
What you need to know if you want a writing career

Be judicious in your research, invite (and be gracious about) feedback, and remind yourself that your passion for the written word is such that you’d be doing it even if no one ever paid you for it.

Learning to code is like learning to write again

It’s never too late to be what you might have been.

5 ways to make it rain as a writer

As ever, the usual disclaimer: “buyer beware” and do your homework.

Writers: You’ll have your book published or rejected in a single email. Here’s how NOT to blow it

Even if that company’s official line is “no unsolicited material”.

How to write a one page novel pitch

In an ideal world, One Pagers would *only* be judged on whether the idea is good or not.

Think you could write a TV series?

This is another chance to really SELL your script & your story, yet 9/10 writers forget this.

How to sell your TV series concept

There’s more than one way to do this, so let’s make it manageable.

How to be a screen writer, by a Hollywood screenwriter

We’ve all heard of the million dollar script, right?