Why I chose a Bachelor of Visual Communication

Is this the course for you? Read this student’s experience.

The List: On living in LA as an Actor

We ask the questions, you make the to-do list. “

Universal Music Sales Director : Career Ladder from 17-32

Step by step from high school, how to become the Sales Director at Universal Music.

Is drama school right for you?

Where can you study and where.

Drama school: The audition process

Everyone there thinks they’re special. Which, of course, renders all of you ordinary.

How to make money from Instagram: a career as an Influencer

“It’s completely over saturated industry at this point. I definitely think people can try —”

On The Phone With: Osher Günsberg

How do you make yourself ‘stick’ in the entertainment industry?

Should I do a Bachelor of Entertainment Management at AIM?

A round table discussion with some music and entrainment mangers

DJ Tigerlily on labels, management and being a signed artist

If you want to make money in music, there are a few things you need to know.

Q&A with a music lawyer

Want settle the feud of the year?

How to be the next ‘Making A Murderer’ documentary producer.

What is the ‘X-Factor’ that your doco series will need to make it go viral?

On The Phone With: DJ Tigerlily

Music industry advice that keeps it verrry real.

Meet the Aussie musician, Gordi who’s making waves in the US

How to sign a record deal and tour internationally all by the time you are 24-years-old.

Lessons from creatives

Six lessons for finding success in the creative world told by six of the best

What you need to know if you want a writing career

Be judicious in your research, invite (and be gracious about) feedback, and remind yourself that your passion for the written word is such that you’d be doing it even if no one ever paid you for it.